Saturday, April 28, 2012

Faithful and Loyal

"Know the difference between a faithful person and a loyal person? A faithful person doesn't have time to get attracted with others. His/her attention is exclusively for the one he/she loves. A loyal person still gets attracted to others. Appreciates beauty. Flirts in some ways. But at the end of the day, a loyal person knows where his/her heart belongs."
Which one are you? :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder

It has been a long time since I last ate at Mcdonalds and it was only yesterday when my cravings are finally fulfilled. I usually order Cheeseburger meal, but then, my guy best friend insisted last time (when we were chatting the other day) that my appetite is weak and I should try ordering Quarter Pounder for a change. And so, I agreed and then he taught me (still, via Facebook chat) how to eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder with cheese and fries. The steps are ordinary until he told me the "yummy twist" of eating Quarter Pounder.

These are the steps (yes, with pictures, LOL):

1. Order Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Medium Fries. But yesterday, Mom ordered large fries. So yeah, either way, as long as you have fries with you. Take note: IT'S IMPORTANT!

2. Open the Quarter Pounder box. Well obviously. I am just following my best friend's instructions, okay?  Haha!

3. Remove the top bun. 'Nuff said.

4. Put fries on top of the patty. Yes, this is the "yummy twist".

5. Put ketchup on fries. Yum! (Lol at my blue nail/s. Haha!)

6. Put back the top bun and you're ready to eat! Yay! Hahaha!

So there you go. That's how my best friend taught me how to eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder. Try it with your friends, it would be fun. Let's see if you, too, can be influenced by this, because honestly, I want to try this again, the next time I crave for Mcdonalds. Haha!

Happy eating! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Not That Easy

So this is it for now. I think I'm done tweaking this blog. It has the same template with the other one, I only changed the fonts and some colors. Lol, I keep comparing my other blog to this one. Oh well.

The assumed font for the entries was not applied to the first post because I assigned a different one while typing that down, in case you would notice.

Lucky new blog, 2 entries in a day. Haha!


Another Secret Hiding Place

This is my second personal blog. Well, it's not actually a "secret" hiding place, my 4-year old blog was more confidential than this one because I post "silly" things there. I just want to expose this blog publicly and see if I can gain followers than my other blog has. But anyway, I still appreciate those few people who are able to comment on my other blog. It's waaaaaay too personal that's why I don't want others to know it, except some of my friends.

I hope I'll be able to update this blog regularly. With few thoughts day by day, perhaps (because my other blog always has long entries).

So, hi there! Welcome to my "another wonderland". I'm Sherien.

Few things about me: I am 19. I dream of living in New York City in at least 5 years time. I want to be a writer/journalist there. As of now, I'm an incoming 4th year Literature student at the University of Santo Tomas. I love Glee. I am a Faberry shipper. I love Big Bang (that Korean group). I am a Potterhead. I don't smoke. I rarely drink alcohol. I have lots of ambitions. I am silly. I am friendly. I don't like pretentious people. But I honestly think I am a good person. :)

Here I am:

BTW, that's not my dog. It was a picture taken when we were in Baguio City.

Anyway, hello again. And welcome! :)