Thursday, January 31, 2013

Travel Blog... Coming Soon!

Hi. It's been a long time since I posted a blog entry. Been too busy with so many things, that's why.

But anyway, I just want to share this short reflection of mine during our retreat which led me to decide on what should I do after graduation. Well yes, aside from getting myself employed and get rich (LOL), I decided to make a travel blog.

How do I ever thought of this?

I honestly don't know. But while I was sitting on this bench, listening to music alone and thinking of so many things [because my depressive episode attacked me, and yes, as shown on the picture above, taken by Arkon (thank you!)], I suddenly thought of buying a stuff toy, give it a name, bring it whenever I travel and take a photo of it with a tourist spot on the background and blog about its adventures and experiences. Haha! I really find this hilarious and I'm definitely going to do this after graduation.

It's a simple reflection, I know, but I think it will be through this kind of blog that I could still apply what I have learned in my Creative Writing class, and also, I could find simple joys in it. With a camera in one hand and the stuff toy on the other, I could really accomplish this travel blog. I just really have to be persistent in doing updates so future readers won't miss a thing.

Aaahh... Getting more and more excited for this.

I hope someone with a kind soul could help me get a name for this baby once I buy one. :)

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