Monday, December 31, 2012

Seungri GIF

And so I made this gif because I can't take his awesome-ness here. He's so handsome. LOL.

* Clip taken from their SBS Gayo Daejun performance :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Beautiful Hangover

Manila. October 24, 2012. 12 hours of patience. 2 hours and 30 minutes of ecstasy. We finally get to meet THE boys namely Kwon Jiyong, Dong Yongbae, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung and Lee Seunghyun.

Seeing them in flesh was already an achievement. The performances were spectacular; ChoomTOP, GD's talent, Seungri's charisma, Taeyang's dance moves and Daesung's voice. I just hope we had a better view of them from above (because we're at the General Admission box) so we could see how bubbly and playful they were. Haha! These boys... my feelings... "It can't be helped. I don't have time. I'm sorry."

Their Filipino skills were obviously taught by Dara. Daesungie~ you did the Sandara wave!

Also, I honestly saw the silhouettes of Hwangssabu and Dara when they were leaving the venue. We waited for their cars (which we also saw upon their arrival at the venue) to pass by us despite the heavy rainfall. And Karen's gut feels were pretty positive during that day. She got to hold G-Dragon's hand when he let out his hand at the car window. Kudos my friend!

Meeting fellow VIPs on the spot was also fun as well, even while we were waiting outside the venue. We practiced "Fantastic Baby" and "Bad Boy" fanchants. I bet the boys have heard it when they arrived at the venue. I hope to see them in Facebook or Twitter. Meeting some of them felt like it was a start of a very good friendship because we share the same fandom. :)

However, I had a few disappointments regarding the producers and the failed missions but I don't want to think of them anymore since we already had the best night of our lives.

Hmmm... "I don't know what to say no more" in this album description (although I already wrote a very long one.) Just that, I am already happy knowing that Bigbang have enjoyed their stay and concert in Manila. They promised that they will come back soon. That was actually a 'rare' promise. :)

Lastly, I realized how much I wanted to be with them (if I can) forever. Soon, I'll be in Korea and visit not only them, but the whole YG family. :)

Here is a link of my album in Facebook: BIGBANG

Sorry for the blurred pictures. I included them all as part of my pictographic memory (lolwut? haha!) I am a poor fangirl who is not ashamed to admit that I just bought General Admission tickets just to see these boys perform.

SETLIST (feel free to comment if I missed something or the sequence is wrong, thanks!):

INTRO (Alive)
Hands Up
Fantastic Baby
How Gee
Stupid Liar
Knock Out + High High
Strong Baby + What Can I Do
Gara Gara Go!
Number 1
Bad Boy
Love Song
Look Only At Me + Wedding Dress
Haru Haru
Last Farewell

My Heaven
Bad Boy
Fantastic Baby

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Luck for September, perhaps?

I've been busy for quite some time, and as you all have noticed, I haven't blogged last month. Right now, I just wanted to share some present thoughts about how unfortunate I am today.

Issues. On school. On my friends.

I'm getting nervous with my grades on two subjects. A major and a minor. Although I have really done my best last preliminary exams, as the cliche goes, my best was not good enough. I still failed on those exams although I really did study. I even became sleepless nowadays especially that our deadline for thesis submission is fast approaching and I'm not even half way done. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm getting depressed with what was happening. I overthink a lot. It doesn't help, I know. But I can't help it.

I want to graduate on the 2nd of April, 2013. :(

And then about some of my friends.

Is there something wrong with me? Have I done something wrong? Have I said something wrong? I can't recall things that I did or said to make them feel bad or annoyed. I don't know. I want to be confronted if ever. "I don't know what to say no more." - G-Dragon, That XX.

Lastly, losing things. I lost my 8-year old watch last August. And I recently lost my USB that I've been using for 4 years and dorm keys. The feeling of losing them made me feel like I need to let go of something. Let go of my teenage life, I guess? But what's the matter? I don't get why I need to be unfortunate with things right now.

I just wanna leave. Go somewhere far that even bad luck or bad karma will not find me.

Black hole.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Words. Visions. Imaginings.

As I stare blankly at the yellow wall of my room where the cork board with sticky notes of different colors is hanging, there are words popping up my head, making me want to say them all to you. But you will not hear me, for you are out of reach, away. Far and away.

I keep seeing question marks, they seem confused as well. What would want you to know the truth? You keep ignoring me after all.

And guess what's inside my head? It keeps on wondering, thinking... "If I was in her place..." And then I don't know what it says next.

Words. Visions. Imaginings.

"'ll have no regrets."

"'ll be happy with me."

"...I'll let you do what you want to do in life."

"...we would be playing in the rain like kids and hide on the sidewalks when thunder claps."

"...every penny would be worth it."

" will be free."

And now, I'm running out of words. What remain are visions that cannot be translated. Imaginings that cannot happen.

You're a jerk.

Monday, July 16, 2012

What if it was you?

What if you are my long lost childhood friend? What if it was you who left for a very long time and never came back? What if it was your name I had forgotten? What if it was you I have wanted to talk to for a long time? My dear friend from the past... what if it was you?

All I remember was his image from afar, he was running away. Saying goodbye because he was being called by his Lolo. It was a sunny afternoon. And then my mind went white. I can't recall anything anymore. All I know is that he was my friend, my childhood friend. I forgot his name.

When he ran away and transferred I don't know where, I started to value friendship and remember everything my friends and I have shared. Perhaps that's why "best friends" are so sentimental to me.

I hope you too.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What the author of my book for thesis has taught me...

I am loving the book I chose to use for my thesis. It was entitled "Positively Mental" by Elvira Mata and it was only published this year. Its genre was creative nonfiction and it's really fun reading it. I hope doing my thesis would be fun, too. :))

Anyway, below are my favorite excerpts from the book:

  • From Dating Tips: Chant: "I am attractive, smart, and funny." You will feel a million times more confident about yourself. Don't "Huh?" as you read this. Believe.
  • From When the cats jump over the TV: "Your TV fell," he announced. "What do you mean?" "I found it on the floor lying face down," he answered. "Like it was attacked by cats?" "Yeah. What do you want me to do?" he asked. "Take my cats to EDSA and tell them to cross the street," I said, upset. (FYI: I am not a cat-hater, I just really laughed when I read this part, haha!)
  • From Rain, rain, go away: I have not been speaking to him for a few months because... I don't remember now but it must have been painful because I have blocked it out of my consciousness.
  • From Men leave: Men are like cheese: they smell and have holes in their excuses. Men are like dairy products. They expire or they leave.
  • From Manual on life: "If it tastes good, it's probably fattening and bad for your health. If it tastes bad, I probably cooked it." "If it hurts, he's not worth it." "There's nothing a bar of dark chocolate couldn't cure." "What's important is not getting there, it's the journey. Be sure you bring change for pamasahe."

Those are my favorite excerpts. There will be more when I read and re-read it. That's it for now. :D

Sunday, June 24, 2012

If I was still in love with him, I'd say...

"It's nice waking up to his voice."

Yes, he woke me up through his call. But no, I'm no longer in love.

I hope.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

3 Reasons to be Happy (061912)

1. I have forgiven my best friend for what he did. Lol. So we're okay now! And we're talking again after 10 days. And I missed him, too. :)

2. My thesis topic has been approved. Yay! More work for me soon. Haha! Next: Thesis Adviser and thesis papers. Goodluck to me and my classmates. :)

3. I saw my crush. Sounds silly and childish, I know. But I haven't seen him for a very long time, so just bear with me. Lol.

I am happy, so so happy. :">

P.S. I am kind of busy right now that's why I haven't updated this blog. Maybe soon, I'll try to be productive in posting random things again. That's all. :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

For a Reason

I don't mind if things are not working out as planned. What I know is that I'm not giving up achieving these goals and I believe that everything really happens for a reason.

Then I suddenly remembered what my friend said, "Hindi masama ang magkaroon ng mataas na pangarap. Libre naman eh. Ang hindi maganda, yung mga walang pangarap, kasi libre na nga, hindi pa magawa."

In my part, I have really high hopes and big dreams. And I shall do my best to achieve them. I may be disappointed in some ways, but again, I believe there are reasons why they won't happen... yet.

I believe that in due time, these things will work out, even not as planned, but I know they will be better than I expected.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thoughts on a Night in May

Westlife's Unbreakable playing in the background. The song I wanted to be played if I get the chance to walk down the aisle, slowly, with my parents beside me, wearing a long, beautiful wedding gown, coming towards you. It has always been you.

As I write this, I suddenly change the playlist settings on repeat. So the song will continuously play until I finish this post.

I'm thinking about you tonight. Well, every night. You never left my mind, actually. And too cheesy to say, but my heart as well.

The sparks may be resting from glowing. I may be resting, too, sometimes. But honestly, I never got tired feeling this way since that day in 2011. Quite confusing (the terms I used, I mean), but it's what I really feel. These sparks for you, they may glow or not, they may go away for some time, but they still return to me, for you. They always do. And now they are over my head, glowing and even flying like fireflies as I think of you.

I am happy with what we have, for what we are. You may just see me as your friend, but I don't mind at all. It's completely perfect. However, sometimes I want you to be aware that I have special feelings for you. Not just a friend. It's more than that. I know you know about it. But knowing is different from being aware.

For now, I just miss you. Not too much, but enough. Enough to make me create this post about you. I hope I'll be able to see you again. Just a glimpse of you will be okay. But a smile for me would be better. I've always wanted to see that smile... closely.

Oh God. This love is unbreakable.

Turns off playlist after the 6th repeat.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


For my 4th year in college, I have new responsibilities to fulfill:

> Feature Writer - UST Central Student Council Official Publication (CSC RAWR)
> Yellow Booklet Committee Director - Thomasian Fashion Guild (a newly recognized organization)
> Executive Assistant to the Secretary - UST Central Student Council (for the second time)

...and of course,

> being a graduating student, doing thesis and other academic stuff - the most important priority of them all!

This coming academic year will be loaded with lots of things to do. With God's powerful guidance, I know I can achieve my goals until I march for graduation. I know I will. :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

That First Line

The link above is a song from the latest Glee episode, "Dance With Somebody". It's the rendition of Quinn (Dianna Agron) and Joe (Samuel Larsen) for the song, "Saving All My Love For You" since the episode was a tribute to the late Whitney Houston.

But anyway, this blog entry will not be about the latest Glee episode though it gave me tears since most of the cast are talking about stepping out from high school, in other words, they are graduating. (Lol, sorry, I'm a Gleek).

Then again, it's not about that.

It's about the first line of the song:

A few stolen moments is all that we share...

I am not going to close read that first line. It's just that, the line reminds me of things that are not supposed to be remembered nowadays, if you know what I mean. But yeah, I actually love that line.

I actually want to share those "stolen moments" that this person (in my mind right now) and I had, but it's too confidential for me to say it here, so I guess I won't. UNLESS you really want to know, maybe I can message you PRIVATELY and we'll talk about this stuff. Haha!

How about you? Mind sharing any "stolen moment" with someone? Feel free to comment. :)

P.S. I just love that rendition of the song. Well sang by Dianna and Samuel. Happy birthday to Dianna Agron last April 30, btw. :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Faithful and Loyal

"Know the difference between a faithful person and a loyal person? A faithful person doesn't have time to get attracted with others. His/her attention is exclusively for the one he/she loves. A loyal person still gets attracted to others. Appreciates beauty. Flirts in some ways. But at the end of the day, a loyal person knows where his/her heart belongs."
Which one are you? :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder

It has been a long time since I last ate at Mcdonalds and it was only yesterday when my cravings are finally fulfilled. I usually order Cheeseburger meal, but then, my guy best friend insisted last time (when we were chatting the other day) that my appetite is weak and I should try ordering Quarter Pounder for a change. And so, I agreed and then he taught me (still, via Facebook chat) how to eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder with cheese and fries. The steps are ordinary until he told me the "yummy twist" of eating Quarter Pounder.

These are the steps (yes, with pictures, LOL):

1. Order Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Medium Fries. But yesterday, Mom ordered large fries. So yeah, either way, as long as you have fries with you. Take note: IT'S IMPORTANT!

2. Open the Quarter Pounder box. Well obviously. I am just following my best friend's instructions, okay?  Haha!

3. Remove the top bun. 'Nuff said.

4. Put fries on top of the patty. Yes, this is the "yummy twist".

5. Put ketchup on fries. Yum! (Lol at my blue nail/s. Haha!)

6. Put back the top bun and you're ready to eat! Yay! Hahaha!

So there you go. That's how my best friend taught me how to eat Mcdonalds' Quarter Pounder. Try it with your friends, it would be fun. Let's see if you, too, can be influenced by this, because honestly, I want to try this again, the next time I crave for Mcdonalds. Haha!

Happy eating! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Not That Easy

So this is it for now. I think I'm done tweaking this blog. It has the same template with the other one, I only changed the fonts and some colors. Lol, I keep comparing my other blog to this one. Oh well.

The assumed font for the entries was not applied to the first post because I assigned a different one while typing that down, in case you would notice.

Lucky new blog, 2 entries in a day. Haha!


Another Secret Hiding Place

This is my second personal blog. Well, it's not actually a "secret" hiding place, my 4-year old blog was more confidential than this one because I post "silly" things there. I just want to expose this blog publicly and see if I can gain followers than my other blog has. But anyway, I still appreciate those few people who are able to comment on my other blog. It's waaaaaay too personal that's why I don't want others to know it, except some of my friends.

I hope I'll be able to update this blog regularly. With few thoughts day by day, perhaps (because my other blog always has long entries).

So, hi there! Welcome to my "another wonderland". I'm Sherien.

Few things about me: I am 19. I dream of living in New York City in at least 5 years time. I want to be a writer/journalist there. As of now, I'm an incoming 4th year Literature student at the University of Santo Tomas. I love Glee. I am a Faberry shipper. I love Big Bang (that Korean group). I am a Potterhead. I don't smoke. I rarely drink alcohol. I have lots of ambitions. I am silly. I am friendly. I don't like pretentious people. But I honestly think I am a good person. :)

Here I am:

BTW, that's not my dog. It was a picture taken when we were in Baguio City.

Anyway, hello again. And welcome! :)